:Base NETPOPUP.HLP :Title NetPopup 2.22 1 Contents 2 Contents=Contents 1 Getting Started 2 What is NetPopup?=What_is_it_ 2 NetPopup FAQ=NetPopup_FAQ 1 How to ... 2 install NetPopup=How_to_install_NetPopup 2 get connected with connection wizard=Connection_wizard 2 send and receive messages=Sending_and_receiving_messages 2 use Seeker=seeker 2 send from cmd-line=Cmdline_send 2 use toolbar commands=Using_toolbar_commands 2 use finger daemon=Using_Finger_daemon 2 customize my NetPopup 3 Preferences=Preferences 3 Hosts=Hosts 3 Network=Network 3 Finger daemon=Finger_daemon 1 More Info 2 About authors=Jamsoft 2 Version history=history 2 What is IP-number=IP_number 1 Registering NetPopup 2 How to register=register 2 Why to register=register 2 Online Registration=register